Afrikaans translation

Having a big network of native Afrikaans translators, PoliLingua can respond in a fast and efficient way to your Afrikaans language translation needs.
PoliLingua provides high quality, professional Afrikaans translations. Our Afrikaans translation services will help you improve your global strategy.

Native Speaking Afrikaans Translators

PoliLingua\\'s Afrikaans translators are professional linguists doing translation into and from Afrikaans in a variety of industries including:

  • automotive
  • desk-top publishing
  • education
  • energy & power
  • economy and finance
  • gaming & gambling
  • government
  • legal
  • medical
  • multimedia
  • packaging
  • software
  • technical
  • tourism
  • telecommunications, etc.

Get a quote for your Afrikaans translation

If you need a quick and reliable translation into or from Afrikaans and demand the quality only professional translators can give, PoliLingua\\'s Afrikaans Translation Service allows you to upload a (sample) document to obtain a fast quotation, usually within 12 hours. Please use the form below for this or e-mail us.

Afrikaans Web Site Localization

With a team of specialized translators, technical experts and localization professionals, PoliLingua can make an Afrikaans to English or English to Afrikaans conversion of your web site.
E-mail us to request a localization quote for your website.

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Utilizamos apenas tradutores cuidadosamente seleccionados para corresponder ao assunto e conteúdo do seu projecto. As nossas traduções cumprem e excedem as normas internacionais de qualidade. Mediante pedido, fornecer-lhe-emos uma declaração que certifique a exactidão das nossas traduções.